Wednesday, March 2, 2016

a first post (and an intro).


This is likely the fourth or fifth blog I have started, but being that I'm a bit older (and perhaps a bit wiser), I'm hoping that I keep up with the updates.

My name is Bryan, and I'm a resident of the far North side of Spokane. We live far enough north, that when the news reports about a crime taking place in "North Spokane", I scoff. I am apart of a nice little family, and my parents live up the street. I spent most of my life wanting nothing more than to get out of Spokane, but in the last few years, I've come to deeply enjoy living here. I enjoy getting to know our little chunk of town, down to the individual trees. We have a bakery nearby, and lots of parks. We love it.

I'm a big fan of bikes, and of getting as many cars off the road as we can. I'm big on the environment, but I'm not quite into "Deep Ecology". I enjoy cooking, and try to stick to vegetarian faire.

So far, that is it. I'll post more as I think of it. Mostly bike stuff, I'm thinking. Perhaps some recipes?